My Loves

My Loves

Monday, December 30, 2013

The journey only just begins

Today is our last day of adoption training classes. We have spent so much time learning so many things. Although we are already parents and we knew a lot of it, there is still a lot of great things we learned as well. Some parts of it made us very eager to adopt while others reminded us of our fears also. At the times I was thinking of backing out, Jake held us strong and vice versa.

Through these past 9 weeks our marriage has even grown. We've realized what great ways we compliment each other and in what ways we don't. We had to use this time to look at every aspect of our life and describe, explain and/or analyze. And in return, our parenting has even improved. I feel blessed to come out knowing how happy we are in our lives even in the tough times.

I am also reminded of all the support we have. Family who watched the kids every week without fail while we went to classes.  Family who asked us questions about adopting and being interested in our journey. Family that supports us all the time even when they don't agree. Friends too. A social worker that we were lucky to have!! I am sure she was the best one we could have picked. These people are so important to us and we know we are going to need them just as much when the time finally comes.

However, the adventure is really only just beginning. Our lives will soon change by leaps and bounds. I am confident that we will come out stronger and happier even through the tough times.

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